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Elections of members of representative bodies of units of local and regional self-government


Right to vote in elections of members of representative bodies of units of local and regional self-government have all Croatian citizens over the age of eighteen residing in the territory of local and regional self-government  unit in which the elections take place.


All Croatian citizens over the age of eighteen residing, on the day the resolution to call the elections enters into force, in the territory of a local and regional self-government unit in which the elections take place, have the right to stand as a candidate for a member of the representative body, provided they are not banned from candidacy under the Local Elections Act.
Nationals of the European Union Member States, also have the right to vote or stand as candidate in the above mentioned elections according to the provisions of the Local Elections Act and Act on Right of Nationals of Other European Union Member States in Election to Representative Bodies of Local and Regional Self-Government Units, as explained below.

The right to propose a list of candidates have political parties registered in the Republic of Croatia on the day the resolution to call the elections enters into force, as well as voters. Two or more political parties may propose a joint list of candidates.
Voters propose lists of candidates accompanied by a prescribed number of duly collected voter signatures.

Members of the representative body are elected by the proportional electoral system, so that the entire territory of the municipality or city, county or City of Zagreb represents one constituency.

The right of citizens of other European Union Member States in elections of representative bodies of local and regional self-government units

Nationals of the European Union Member States, residing either permanently or temporarily in the unit holding the election, have the right to vote for members of the representative body of that unit and to stand as a candidate for members of the representative body of that unit.

Nationals of other European Union Member States should submit the request for the entry in the electoral roll to the competent authorities in the place of permanent or temporary residence, 30 days before the elections the latest.

Nationals of other European Union Member States may stand as a candidate and be elected member of the unit's representative body under the same conditions as Croatian citizens, as laid down in the Act on the Election of Members of the Representative Bodies of Local and Regional Self-Government Units, provided that they were not deprived of the legal capacity through a legally effective court decision in the Republic of Croatia or a European Union Member State, that is, that they were not deprived of their right to stand as a candidate through a criminal law or civil law resolution.

Where lists of candidates for members of the representative bodies include a candidate who is a national of other European Union Member States, the list of candidates or his application must be accompanied by a declaration legalised by the notary public stating his nationality and his address of permanent or temporary residence in the territory of the unit holding the election as well as a proof or a document from competent state authorities of the Member State of which he is a national, certifying that he has not been deprived of the right to stand as a candidate in that Member State or that they are not aware of the existence of such disqualification.